Stay nearby …… although distant

Franco Montanelli shirts

“Stay nearby …… although distant”.

It’s not easy to write a newsletter that can say something of use in these uncertain times. So we won’t even try.What we want to do is not so much to be useful, but to be supportive. We truly hope that this letter finds each one of you in good health, that you are all safe with your families and that you are finding ways to live through this strange moment in history with serenity and strength.

The world has pressed pause, as has our shop. Our websites are still active but we understand that this isn’t a priority right now.

We, all of us, hope to reopen our doors, to shake each others’ hands with more enthusiasm than before, and to learn something from this bitter present for a brighter future.

Arrivederci from Lucca !

Copyright  © 2020 Franco Montanelli srl, All rights reserved.Text Anna Tongiani